Remember someone special and give in their memory.

Losing a member of your family or a friend can be a very distressing and difficult time, and if this is something you have experienced recently, on behalf of Red Sky Foundation, please accept our sincere condolences.

We’d like to personally thank you for considering a Red Sky Foundation collection in honour of your loved one, either at their funeral or memorial service, or just simply in their memory. This is such a special way to commemorate the life of someone incredibly special to you.

Whether you’d like to make a one-off gift, hold a funeral collection or set up a regular donation, it would mean the world to us. You can be reassured that all such gifts will go towards supporting people affected by heart conditions, and their families.

We wouldn’t be able to offer our services and support without the generous support of our fundraisers, volunteers, supporters and sponsors. Any gifts you can give will make a real difference to people’s lives.

Here are some of the ways you can donate in memory of someone: 

  • Make a donation in the name of someone special 
  • Hold a virtual or physical collection at the funeral or memorial ceremony 
  • Do your own fundraising or take part in an event or challenge 

To make a donation or fundraise in memory, please choose from one of the options below. If you’d prefer to talk to someone from the team, please email us at:

How to make a donation:

You can pay tribute to the memory of someone special by making a one-off or monthly donation in their memory.

It may be easiest to collect funeral and memorial service donations online. A donation page can be shared with friends and family so they can leave donations and memories at any time. We can help you to create your own donation page, or alternatively you can use the form on our website.!/

You can send cheques and PO orders by post.

Red Sky Foundation, North Sands Business Centre, Liberty Way, Sunderland, SR6 OQA

Asking friends and family to make a donation at your loved one’s funeral or memorial service is a powerful way to celebrate the life of someone important to you.

We’re always grateful to people who choose to support our work by holding a collection at a funeral or memorial service. Red Sky Foundation has donation forms that can be included with your order of service.

If you prefer, you can ask your funeral director to contact us directly for donation forms. They will then forward the contributions to us and we’ll send you a letter of acknowledgement and thanks.

A tribute page is a place where you can raise funds or collect funeral donations in memory of loved ones. You can also share stories, pictures and videos with friends and family around the world, creating a special place of remembrance.

JustGiving have a step-by-step guide in setting up a page in memory of someone: Raising money in memory of a loved one.